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Glory Footwear goodyear footwear customization for party

Glory Footwear goodyear footwear customization for party

1,000 pairs
T/T, L/C
Place of Origin
Qingdao, China
shoes box
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goodyear footwear description
goodyear footwear have always found a traditional use in the most comfortable steel toe shoes industries, due the black work shoes of the material. There are no marks, scratches, or water spottings found on the surface of the product
Glory Footwear goodyear footwear customization for party-1
Glory Footwear goodyear footwear customization for party-2
goodyear footwear SPECIFICATIONS
MOQ1,000 pairs
PaymentT/T, L/C
Place of OriginQingdao, China
Packingshoes box
Even with wears, the product can create a sense of vintage. It is fashionable and safe footwear complying with SB standard. It is featured by good water-proofing materials, like leather.
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The production of Glory Footwear strictly adopts international production technology.
After long-time R&D effort, Glory Footwear is given a reasonable, practical, and aesthetic design.
Glory Footwear is manufactured utilizing the precision machining equipment.
Glory Footwear has a rather appealing appearance due to the efforts of our own professional and innovative designers. Its design is reliable and time-tested enough to meet the challenges of the market.
Premium raw materials: Glory Footwear is made of high-quality raw materials that are only selected from qualified and certified suppliers. Meanwhile, the raw materials of this product go through rigorous screening before production.
It is endowed with important fabric properties for maintaining thermal comforts, such as air permeability, water or moisture (vapor) permeability/transportation and heat transmission.
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