Quality assurance of light work boots
Numbers of safeguards are built into the manufacturing process to ensure that Qingdao Glory Footwear Co., Ltd.light work boots reaching consumers meets the highest levels of quality and safety. We incorporate the highest possible standards all along the supply chain – from raw materials inspection, to manufacturing, packaging and distribution, to the point of consumption. Strict QMS helps us make sure that the products you use are of the very best quality.
Lightweight athletic shoes in Glory Footwear sells all over the world. Glory Footwearproduces a number of different product series, including slip on sneakers. This product is electrically safe. The insulation components used in this product must past two tests. These are the GWFI (Glow Wire Flammability Index) and the GWIT (Glow Wire Ignition Temperature). The product is certified under CE EN ISO20345, ASTM F 2413-2011:2000, and CAN/CSA Z 195-02. Too much blue light will cause visual fatigue. It is produced with appropriate color temperature which is soft and not too bright for users' eyes. It is characterized by good oil resistance.
Glory Footwearbelieves that lightweight athletic shoes brings with it a responsibility to give back to the world. Check now!
Lightweight athletic shoes in Glory Footwear sells all over the world. Glory Footwearproduces a number of different product series, including slip on sneakers. This product is electrically safe. The insulation components used in this product must past two tests. These are the GWFI (Glow Wire Flammability Index) and the GWIT (Glow Wire Ignition Temperature). The product is certified under CE EN ISO20345, ASTM F 2413-2011:2000, and CAN/CSA Z 195-02. Too much blue light will cause visual fatigue. It is produced with appropriate color temperature which is soft and not too bright for users' eyes. It is characterized by good oil resistance.
Glory Footwearbelieves that lightweight athletic shoes brings with it a responsibility to give back to the world. Check now!