The trend is beautiful and refreshing.

fall fashion: hot boots, skinny jeans

by:Glory Footwear     2020-02-26
The two major trends in this fall and winter season are jeans and boots.
It\'s all about the new shape of the jeans, which paved the way for more boots than ever before.
Galina Espinoza, senior editor of Stylewatch magazine, took part in an early show showing how this look was worn.
Espinoza said jean, the boot cut, was walking to the side to make way for the tight jean that could fit into the boot.
While many people hear the word \"tight jeans\" and are sure they don\'t look good physically, Espinoza says the fit cut is actually flattering.
Espinoza\'s suggestion: women should try many different jeans until they find the right one.
There are so many brands, there will be good things.
If you want to look thinner, wash the darkest clothes.
Don\'t be afraid to talk to sales people and tell them you want jeans to make your derriere look fuller or fuller.
They should be able to guide you through a pair of jeans that surprise you.
Some hot expectations in autumn: 1)
J. Tall brown bootsCrew ($238)Jeans from Gap ($58)
J. \'S maroon high-collar shirtCrew ($38)
Benetton\'s suit jacket ($139)
Espinoza calls it the riding look: the classic look of riding boots.
This look is not ideal for people with full thighs, as you cram your jeans into your boots and focus on the upper part of your thighs, shortening your legs.
This model is suitable for tall women with thin legs.
Try looking for a pair of jeans where you don\'t have any extra fabric on your knee and no extra fabric above the boots. 2)
Brown boots in Rafe ($525)
Dark jeans of AG ($145)
Brown wrinkled shirt in Banana Republic ($68)
This is Jennifer Aniston\'s favorite look and she looks good but comfortable.
The boots also have a round toe and a wide and thick heel compared to less practical high heels.
Also, Tan is a very hot color this season and can rush onto the wardrobe. 3)
Calvin Klein ($200)
Black jeans by Express ($79. 50)
, Black and gray striped sweater with Calvin Klein jeansWith roll fold, overlapping guide
Beyonce\'s favorite
It\'s risky to look too much like a costume, so don\'t wear a wrinkled shirt or you might look like a pirate.
Wear these boots in a modern color.
And you can\'t fold them up and wear them as thighs --high boots. 4)
Black ankle platform boots from Steve Madden, jeans from Diesel pants ($190)
White shirt from Rebecca berglorfor, for those who are not comfortable with tight jeans, try this look.
This boot has a round toe to better balance the profile and is larger in proportion.
The pointed toes of these jeans look too small for everyone in shape to wear.
Make sure they fit perfectly at the waist. 5)
Lulu Guinness\'s moss green boots ($420)
Tight jeans from Mavi ($88)
Long sleeve T-shirt in blue/gray
Benatone\'s velvet shirt, Duck sweater, came back after 80 this season, as did ankle boots.
In winter, ankle Glory Boots are a good choice to wear high heels because the feet are covered.
Tight jeans go very well with these Glory Boots because you can put on tight jeans, show off your shoes, or have your jeans on your boots to reveal your toes.
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